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Month: February 2016

Vuforia promotes Index AR Solutions as featured developer

Big things are on the horizon for augmented reality. And according to a newsletter from Vuforia, Index AR Solutions is among those leading the way with our focus on applied industrial augmented reality. Vuforia’s vision science software for mobile, along with other programming language and tools, allows augmented and virtual reality programmers to create custom-built … Continue reading “Vuforia promotes Index AR Solutions as featured developer”

Index AR Solutions CEO explains the future of augmented reality on Fox Business

Cutting-edge technology is augmenting the reality of construction and manufacturing for the better. That was the message Index AR Solutions President and CEO Dan Arczynski shared recently with the viewers of Fox Business. Arczynski told “Risk & Reward” host Deirdre Bolton that the digital 3D technology is helping to streamline construction and manufacturing, leading to … Continue reading “Index AR Solutions CEO explains the future of augmented reality on Fox Business”