The latest news, reports and trends in augmented reality for industry, reported here.

Month: June 2016

Webinar: Augmented Reality Implement Now for Positive Performance Results

Index AR Solutions’ Dexter Lilley, Executive Vice President and COO, and John Arczynski, Director of Operations presented “Augmented Reality: Implement Now for Positive Performance Results” during a webinar June 21 with Fiatech. They helped educate and demystify what AR can and cannot do, how it is being implemented now with startling results and what’s required … Continue reading “Webinar: Augmented Reality Implement Now for Positive Performance Results”

Early adopters of augmented reality will see tremendous gains in their businesses

The future of augmented reality is crystal clear in one regard: It’s a huge market. Recent analyses by the likes of Goldman Sachs and Digi-Capital have pegged the combined augmented reality and virtual markets in the coming years in the tens and even hundreds of billions of dollars. Recently, our Executive Vice President and Chief … Continue reading “Early adopters of augmented reality will see tremendous gains in their businesses”