Index eBooks™ and Apps can be used immediately. Index will work with clients to customize material as needed, including written instruction, standards, branding, photos and videos featuring the client’s own workers and equipment. On a typical project, all new trainees will begin using the new material after three months of customization and implementation.
Client time commitment is spread across dozens of SMEs, instructors, apprentices, supervisors and management which creates tremendous buy-in and esprit-de-corps. We pour their expertise and passion into the eBooks and Apps.
The 33 Index eBook™ titles:
- Orientation
- Intro to High-Volume Regulation I
- Intro to High-Volume Regulation II
- Regulation Equipment I
- Regulation Equipment II
- Regulator Station Inspections & Maintenance I
- Regulator Station Inspections & Maintenance II
- Valves in Depth I
- Valves in Depth II
- Diaphragm Meters I
- Diaphragm Meters II
- Rotary Meters
- Inferential Meters
- Correcting Instruments I
- Correcting Instruments II
- Electronic Communication
- Odorization I
- Odorization II
- Odorization III
- Control Valves I
- Control Valves II
- Flow Computers I
- Flow Computers II
- Environmental Spills and Leaks
- Industrial Controls and Circuits
- Electronic Control and Circuits
- Electronic Measurement Basics
- Customer Relations
- Heaters
- Meter and Control Application Orientation
The 20 Mobile App Titles:
- Gas Relief Valve Fundamentals
- Pilot-Operated Regulator Fundamentals
- Self-Operated Regulator Fundamentals
- Typical Gas Regulator Station
- Typical Monitor Regulator Station
- Gas Math
- Instrumentation Fundamentals
- Meter Set Fundamentals
- Gas Meter Basics I
- Gas Meter Basics II
- Odorizer Fundamentals I
- Odorizer Fundamentals II
- Odorizer Fundamentals III
- Control Valve Fundamentals I
- Control Valve Fundamentals II
- Odorizer Calculator
Note: In this case, client instructors are still determining several of the most relevant mobile apps for their training – a very effective approach.
Contact Index AR Solutions today to learn more or to arrange a hands-on demonstration of the Gas Meter and Control Apprenticeship SuperApp™.