Tag: Industrial Process
Author Leah Hunter writes about the human side of technology for Fast Company and other leading publications. In her recently published book “Augmented Reality for the Industrial Enterprise,” Hunter described how integration tools and vision systems are two major developments pushing augmented reality (AR) forward in the enterprise, paving the way for even greater advances … Continue reading “O’Reilly Author on Augmenting Industrial Reality and Bigger Things to Come”
The enterprise industrial space is proving to be one of the first areas where augmented reality (AR) is showing adoption and business benefit, particularly around worker productivity. And this is in Index AR’s wheelhouse. In a piece for the investment research platform Seeking Alpha, writer Derrick Zierler wrote that “Index AR Solutions has been an … Continue reading “Seeking Alpha Says Index AR is Disrupting the Industrial Augmented Reality Market”
Big things are on the horizon for augmented reality. And according to a newsletter from Vuforia, Index AR Solutions is among those leading the way with our focus on applied industrial augmented reality. Vuforia’s vision science software for mobile, along with other programming language and tools, allows augmented and virtual reality programmers to create custom-built … Continue reading “Vuforia promotes Index AR Solutions as featured developer”